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Wichita Blues Society
P.O. 2303
Wichita, KS 67201-2303

The Wichita Blues Society was incorporated as a non-profit organization in 1983 by a handful of Blues lovers who wanted to revitalize the blues scene in the Wichita area. Since that time, membership has grown and the WBS is one of the oldest blues societies in the nation.

The WBS is a proud affiliate of The Blues Foundation, a non-profit organization founded in 1980. The WBS shares the foundation’s dedication to preserving Blues history, celebrating Blues excellence and supporting Blues education. As a way of recognizing and honoring the behind-the-scenes people and organizations that work year-round to perpetuate the Blues, the Blues Foundation presents the annual “Keeping the Blues Alive” Award. WBS was honored with this esteemed and coveted award in 2000 as Blues Society of the Year.

Like The Blues Foundation, the WBS is committed to education so generations to come will be able to appreciate the rich Blues tradition. In a very tangible way, education relies on and encourages the other aspects of our mission. It is through the preservation and enjoyment of the Blues that we begin to educate others and perpetuate the Blues in Wichita and South Central Kansas. The WBS is developing youth programs and partners with others in our community to inspire young people to carry on the rich blues tradition, as well as encourage an overall appreciation of music.
